DIY Quick Home Office For Remote Workplaces

Within a week's worth of time, many Americans are finding their temporary office in the confines of their homes. Research has shown that telecommuting can contribute more productive and effective workdays, especially when equipped with the right furniture to get the job done.
If you are currently working from home, here are a few DIY hacks and necessities to make a home office quick to stay organized and on task:
Dedicated Space To Be Focused
Though you are located at home, you need a place to get your work done in the most productive way possible. Create a workplace away from work with a designated space in your home.
Our solution: Choose a place that is quiet, natural lighting if possible, and close to electric outlets to connect your technology. It is important to view your home office just like your office at work, where you are as free from distraction as possible.
A Sit-Stand Desk To Increase Movement
With the uncertainty that has arisen, it is understandable if you aren't feeling in the best mood while working. Consider welcoming a sit-stand desk for your workplace at home. Movement increases morale, productivity, and enthusiasm while working. Bonus: Sit-stand desks provide an opportunity for additional exercises with little to no effort!
Ergonomic Office Chair For Health & Comfort
Is your couch or dining room chair not serving you well? Adding an ergonomic chair may help you be comfortable and productive with working remotely. Research has shown ergonomic chairs relieve back pain, which can increase productivity with work. Sitting 6+ hours a day should be comfortable, even if your home is temporarily your workplace.
Looking for workplace furniture to support a productive home office? Check out our best picks from HON Home Office Furniture.