Non-Contact Therometers Are Here To Stay: Here's What You Need To Know

Going to work every day shouldn't be stressful, right? Checking employees' temperature prior to entering the workplace is a smart move and one that is here to stay to bring workplace employees peace of mind. Warehouse Direct is proud to present the most sanitary option to conduct temperature checks with our Non-Contact Infrared Thermometers (NCIT), an FDA-approved thermometer that's fast and easy to use. Check out the usability tips below for best practices on using the NCIT:

Key Benefits Of Non-Contact Thermometers

Using an NCIT has many benefits during times like these. According to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA), the following are the key takeaways in its benefits for your workplace:

  • The non-contact approach may reduce the risk of spreading disease between people being evaluated
  • Easy to use
  • Easy to clean and disinfect
  • Measures temperature and displays a reading rapidly
  • Provides the ability to retake a temperature quickly

Please note, the benefits great for all businesses as long as the thermometers are properly used. We recommend following the manufacturer's guidelines in your non-contact infrared thermometer package to maximize the benefits and to keep your workplace safe.

Prepare Your Screening Area Prior To Use

Are you ready to implement a temperature check station? It is imperative that your space has the proper tools and set-up to make temperature checking successful. According to the FDA, here are typical measures your workplace should consider:

  • Use in a draft-free space and out of the direct sun or near radiant heat sources.
  • Determine if conditions are optimal for use. Typically, the environmental temperature should be between 60.8-104 ºF (16-40 ºC) and relative humidity below 85 percent.
  • Place the NCIT in the testing environment or room for 10-30 minutes prior to use to allow the NCIT to adjust to the environment.

Clean Your NCIT Equipment In Between Uses

It goes without saying, sanitation of any type of medical equipment should be cleaned in-between uses. Refer to the NCIT instructions for proper cleaning to ensure the equipment does not become damaged.

Prepare Employees For The Screening

Before implementing a temperature check program, WD recommends to notify all employees before it begins. This will help your workplace be more prepared for expectations of the screening process. A few FDA recommendations for the screening process are:

  • The test area of the forehead is clean, dry and not blocked during measurement.
  • The person’s body temperature or temperature at the forehead test area has not been increased or decreased by wearing excessive clothing or head covers (for example headbands, bandanas), or by using facial cleansing products (for example cosmetic wipes).

WD also recommends the communication of how the employee administering the test is practicing safe housekeeping as well. We recommend providing all temperature test administrators to use PPE equipment such as masks, gloves, and protective barriers within their testing station.

Using The NCIT

As you may have read earlier, our recommendation on using this product is following the manufacturers' instructions and guidelines. By following the product instructions, your workplace can maximize the usage of the product during this time.

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