4 Quick Winter Tips For Your Workplace

Anything to consider before winter? Here's A Quick Workplace To-Do List! Keep your supplies & products ready for the winter ahead with a few quick to-dos that everyone will thank you for:

  1. Fix your spring equipment now. Thinking about winter can make spring supplies and equipment a thing of the past, but fixing spring equipment now is a game changer! Don't wait until everyone is in line next spring to troubleshoot & tune-up their equipment. Being ahead of the curve makes your equipment ready-to-go when you need it without the chance of long-wait times!
  2. Get hot beverages for your breakroom. It's getting colder, so people want to warm up with a hot drink! Make sure your breakroom is stocked with your workplace's favorite hot beverages such as coffee, hot cocoa, and teas. Be sure to also get your coffee equipment serviced before it's being worked into overdrive this winter!
  3. Don't forget cold & flu season supplies. It's the time of year when people may get viruses, so it's important to stock up on sanitation supplies. Be sure to buy extra hand sanitizers, disinfecting wipes, and other sanitation supplies to keep your workplace healthy.
  4. Get plenty of carpet cleaners & coat hangers to keep your workplace neat. Snow tends to track on people's boots, that can make carpet not look it's best. Be sure to stock up on carpet spot cleaners that your workplace can access to clean their area. Also be sure to have plenty of coat hanging areas for people to use, so their office area is not cluttered with outdoor winter apparel.

Did you know Warehouse Direct has in-house technicians to service your equipment? Contact us to schedule winterizing your workplace equipment today!

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